A Prayer for the New Year
Lord God, Father of new beginnings, fresh starts, and recommitments, we bow in your presence to dedicate the coming year to you. We confess your sovereign orchestration of our lives down to the most intricate detail of our existence. You know everything about us and all is laid bare before you. You know what our futures hold in these coming twelve months. Be it growth and victory or sorrow, pain, and loss, may it all be borne with joy as we journey ever nearer to our heavenly home.
Forgive us of our pettiness and pride, our selfishness and spiritual childishness, our boredom with the delights of Christ and our sinful satisfaction with the passing pleasures of this world. Forgive us for not discerning the difference between doctrines that are essential to our faith, those that are necessary for unity and fellowship in our local assemblies, and those teachings that are personal convictions held from your word. Unite us in love for one another, and give us patience with others when we disagree on the non-essentials.
Rekindle in us a fire that burns to know our Savior better, to fight sin harder, to love more deeply and purely, to witness to the truth more boldly, to live for Christ more courageously. Sanctify us in the light of the truth of your Word to be luminaries in a world consumed by the darkness of deceit. Preserve us by your Spirit that we might cling to your Word and not stray from it to our own destruction. Empower us by your Spirit to testify powerfully to your unfathomable power which raised Jesus Christ from the dead and is actively at work in our midst through your indwelling presence.
Give us wisdom, with eyes to see the world as you see it.
May we delight in mercy and love justice.
May our speech reflect hearts of righteousness that overflow into words that bring hope and healing to the broken and needy.
May the meditations of our minds dwell on the treasures of your kingdom and detest the sinful follies of our generation.
Give us courage to see the good we ought to do and act on it.
May our exclusive allegiance be to Christ and his church.
May our faithful devotion be to the imperishable Word of God.
May our heart's affections be attuned to the beauty and glories of our Savior.
Give us hope that in Christ all your promises are coming true.
May we wait expectantly, eagerly, anxiously for the revealing of the sons of God.
May we long for the glorious appearing of our King and his majestic kingdom.
May we look for and hasten the coming of the day of God and with it, the new creation.
We commit this new year of our lives to your in faith. Amen.
Forgive us of our pettiness and pride, our selfishness and spiritual childishness, our boredom with the delights of Christ and our sinful satisfaction with the passing pleasures of this world. Forgive us for not discerning the difference between doctrines that are essential to our faith, those that are necessary for unity and fellowship in our local assemblies, and those teachings that are personal convictions held from your word. Unite us in love for one another, and give us patience with others when we disagree on the non-essentials.
Rekindle in us a fire that burns to know our Savior better, to fight sin harder, to love more deeply and purely, to witness to the truth more boldly, to live for Christ more courageously. Sanctify us in the light of the truth of your Word to be luminaries in a world consumed by the darkness of deceit. Preserve us by your Spirit that we might cling to your Word and not stray from it to our own destruction. Empower us by your Spirit to testify powerfully to your unfathomable power which raised Jesus Christ from the dead and is actively at work in our midst through your indwelling presence.
Give us wisdom, with eyes to see the world as you see it.
May we delight in mercy and love justice.
May our speech reflect hearts of righteousness that overflow into words that bring hope and healing to the broken and needy.
May the meditations of our minds dwell on the treasures of your kingdom and detest the sinful follies of our generation.
Give us courage to see the good we ought to do and act on it.
May our exclusive allegiance be to Christ and his church.
May our faithful devotion be to the imperishable Word of God.
May our heart's affections be attuned to the beauty and glories of our Savior.
Give us hope that in Christ all your promises are coming true.
May we wait expectantly, eagerly, anxiously for the revealing of the sons of God.
May we long for the glorious appearing of our King and his majestic kingdom.
May we look for and hasten the coming of the day of God and with it, the new creation.
We commit this new year of our lives to your in faith. Amen.
JJ Routley

Jonathan J. Routley (JJ) serves as Professor of Bible and Theology at Emmaus Bible College in Dubuque, Iowa. JJ also serves on the Board of Directors for the Associates for Biblical Research (ABR). He holds a PhD in Theological Studies from Columbia International University, South Carolina. JJ and his family reside in Dubuque, Iowa.
Blog: jjroutley.wordpress.com
Twitter: @JJ_Routley
Blog: jjroutley.wordpress.com
Twitter: @JJ_Routley